shango02005 - Lieutenant, 1st Platoon of Hardcore Slackers
MrSanta78 - Vice President, Business Video Marketing Dept.
jill gibson - Mom Gamer Extraordinaire
techiedude1953 - Staff Sergeant of Deep Pockets Commando Squad
wademanguy - Staff Sergeant, 1st Platoon of Hardcore Slackers
OhMagnetz - Staff Sergeant, 2nd Platoon of Hardcore Slackers
Robert Prather - Staff Sergeant, 3rd Platoon of Hardcore Slackers
yoochoobb - Staff Sergeant, 4th Platoon of Hardcore Slackers
David De Valera - Staff Sergeant, 5th Platoon of Hardcore Slackers
Deep Pockets Commando Squad
- Chad Alexander
- wolfman500
- Ron Peck
- Nick Lager
- Colin Briggs
- Reich 58
- Samolux
How To Join the Army of Slack
Thumbs up all my videos and frequently post comments. I read ALL comments. If I notice something unique about your flow of comments, I'll give you an honorary title. But don't spam and don't try too hard to be a clown. Just be yourself.
Also, there are at least a couple of dozen of you out there who already deserve the esteemed honorary title of Hardcore Slacker without even trying. Humble apologies I can't list all of you but I kindly thank you for your continued support! :D
And finally, there is a surplus of applicants for the honorary titles of Lieutenant Colonel of Nitpicking Knowitalls and Sergeant Major of Missed-a-Spotters. Hence, we aren't accepting any more applications for those positions. Humble apologies. :D
MajorSlack, you have been a huge part of my gaming life and i just want to say thank you. I don't have a facebook or twitter account but just you reading this message is enough for me. I will support you no matter what you decide to do.
I feel I am late for the party. Lol I tend to be quiet, but I do enjoy highly the videos you do and the dedication you put into it! :) thank you!
I am immortal! Now, no matter what happens to me, I WILL have left something behind! Thank you, Slack! You are the best!
Reporting for duty, Slack! :D
Gettin' the memo here, Boss!
Oh how Posh! Moderators even ;)
Checking in Boss! Thank you! Forever immortalized in the inter-webs! Love it :D